Tuesday now. At 7 AM, we report back to the CDC for try #2.

Robin signals
Try #2
The girls decide to take
advantage of a photo op
while the guys get on board.
The Kiwi women (from New Zealand) are dressed in blue.
Click on the photos
to see a larger view
Around 8:50 AM, the plane
takes off. Periodically throughout the flight, I glance at my watch.
At 12:50 PM, no captain's voice over the intercom.
At 1:10 PM, still no announcement. Things seem good.
November 14, the temperature in McMurdo was 14 degrees Fahrenheit
(- 10 degrees Celsius) with a windchill factor of
- 25 degrees Fahrenheit
(- 32 degrees Celsius).
By 1:30 PM, we're definitely
past the Point of Safe Return at which fuel capacity dictates
that the pilots must decide whether or not to head back to New
And at 2 PM, ears popping and
the "Fasten Seat Belts" sign indicate our descent
has begun.
Some 15 minutes later,
after a gentle touch down, the plane comes to a smooth stop. We have
landed on the ocean - an ocean that lies beneath 1000 feet of ice.
Click on the photos
to see a larger view
South. Way down south!

The Ocean